How to Enable The Virtualization in BIOS of Windows 10 Home (HP Systems)

Saurabh Suman

To enable the virtualization in windows 10 system in Hp system these are the steps to follows :-

Step 1) First Start the system ,then

Step 2) immediately Repeatedly Press the ESC key at booting/startup time , Then you see that given below screen

Screenshot 15

Step 3) Then Press the F10 Key For BIOS setup.

Screenshot 16

Step 4) Then Press the right arrow key to open the System Configuration tab.

Step 5)  Select the  Virtualization Technology as shown above and then press the Enter key .

Step 6) Select the Virtualization technology Field then Press enter Key.

Step 7) Press the F10 key and select Yes option and press the Enter key to save changes and Reboot.

Screenshot 17

Step8) verify that if virtualization is enable or disable. Open Task Manager ->Performance Tab as show in below picture.

Screenshot 18

These are the above steps you can follow to enable Virtualization in HP Systems or similar Windows Systems!

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